Shuttering / Filmface Plywood

The product is available in three cores i.e. hardwood-core, combi-core as hard pressed twice, and poplar-core which is hot pressed once. It is specially used for construction in casting floors, roofs, and to have flat concrete finishes.


Buy for AED 74


- Available in four cores i.e. hardwood-core, combi-core, poplar-core, and finger-joint core
- Highly resistant to all chemicals and other wear and tear, plus their production conforms to strict quality standard
- Especially used for construction in casting floors, roofs, and to have flat concrete finishes


Available Core
Finger-joint core


SKU Core Usage Size (in cm) Size (in ft) Thickness
PP1T Poplar-core hot pressed once 4 to 5 times 122 x 244 4 x 8 18 mm
CMB1T Combi-core hot pressed once 6 to 7 times 122 x 244 4 x 8 18 mm
RCY1T Finger-joint hot pressed once 2 to 3 times 122 x 244 4 x 8 18 mm
HC2T Hardwood-core hot pressed twice 10 to 12 times 122 x 244 4 x 8 18 mm


All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.